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Beyond the Pleasure: Exploring the Link between Male Sexual Health, Orgasm Quality, and Sperm Production

Male sexual health is a very important part of your overall health although it is one that often gets overlooked due to embarrassment or feeling generally ashamed, so men will not seek help and also because they don't think there is a resolution. Men can suffer from a range of sexual problems, for example erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation and even suffering from a very low libido. As these can be caused by physical reasons aside from emotional reasons, these issues can usually be easily remedied with male enhancement supplements and natural sperm volume pills.

There are numerous supplements out there to choose from, but unfortunately many are not legitimate, offer no benefits whatsoever and are exorbitantly priced so you are sure to get ripped off if you do your homework and research the products available to see which ones are truly authentic and will work for you. 

Male Libido 

The list of elements responsible for drops in the male libido is headed by the modern inactive lifestyle, which reduces sexual stamina and puts a strain on muscular tissue and the cardiovascular system. Men become unfit for strong effort and sex session tend to take less time as the partners go into their 40s and 50s. Middle age also implies a higher risk of illnesses and erectile dysfunctions, which serve to grow the reluctance to sex life. Male erectile dysfunctions are among the biggest risks to a satisfying sex life because a significant number of men may encounter erectile dysfunction in their lives.

From the psychological point of view, high male libido and increased self-confidence is priceless. Sex is in the mind for both men and women. Stimulation must go first through the head and the intensity of male reaction is somewhat a function of self-confidence in their power to deal with the situation. Therefore, sperm volume and male libido are very much important to middle-aged males.

Sex cannot look in any way attractive to a depressed man. What's even worse is the reality that prescription drugs recommended for stress and depression are interfering with sex life at the physical level and you cannot change anything. Medication can cause a significant drop in the sex desire, or even cause erectile dysfunction. And even if you can get an erection, men taking anti-depressants still have the risk of achieving orgasm very late, or not at all. If you need a natural way to boost your male libido and sex desire in top condition please look for the volume pills and increase sperm volume for a better sexual health.

Erectile Dysfunctions 

Clinically called Erectile Dysfunction or ED, erection problems are the biggest issue concerning men's health. Impotence or inability to get an erection leads to diminished sexual satisfaction like insufficient ejaculation or orgasm. No formal records can reveal the beginnings of this dysfunction. No history books can trace back the first case of erectile problems; on where and how it started. It can be assumed that it came into existence the moment the penis was created. 

Virility is the yin and impotence is the yang of men. However, efforts to fight off problematic erections dates back as early as the 1930s. Doctor John R Brinkley is an American diploma-mill graduate who began the trend of finding cures for men's health problems. Records have it that Brinkley conducted about 16,000 operations in which he implanted men with tissues from the testicles of young goats. 

Inflatable penile implants began to exist during the 1970s, and the injectable gained controversy in 1983 when Giles Brindley, a British physiology PhD holder, exposed before the American Urological Association his erection achieved through phentolamine injections. Brindley's discovery served as the foundation for later further studies and development of oral medications against erection problems such as the popular virility pills.

There are approximately 30 million American men suffering from erectile dysfunction but most still have the ability to have an orgasm and father a child, but often have difficulty doing these things because they can't get an erection. 

Penis enhancement pills - especially those that increase sperm volume - promote greater sexual vigor and harder erections. They are made from organic materials, mostly herbal components, that help the body, particularly its reproductive functions, to be well and active. These pills enhance the overall functioning of the reproductive system which is a foundation of a man's confident and robust sex performance. This is a great way to achieve longer and more intense orgasms and increase sperm volume!

Health Benefits of the Male Orgasm

We all know that sex is, sometimes, the best part of a relationship, but not many people realize that there are other benefits to sex than the usual 30 seconds of pleasure. In fact, sex can be very accurately described as the glue that brings and holds together other aspects of a relationship between two people. And since orgasm is the goal of every hot sex session, it might be worthwhile to take a closer look at it. Because pleasure is more than just something that makes us feels good here and now.

What is less known in orgasm is the fact that certain health benefits are attached to it. Although this may sound surprising, there is scientific evidence to back up such claims. Over the past 50 years, a number of studies have shown that orgasm is just as important for the overall health of men as any other function of their bodies.

A study conducted in Melbourne, Australia, found that frequent ejaculation between the ages of 20 and 50 helps dramatically decrease the risk of prostate cancer in men. This study ties with other research and suggests that regular orgasm in males prevents painful urination in old age. According to these studies, frequent male ejaculation and ejaculation enhanced with volume pills is crucial for avoiding many prostate-related problems. 

Although there is still a lot of work to be done before science can provide us with a definitive link between ejaculation and a lower risk of prostate cancer, it's obvious that a normal sex life has a positive effect on the overall health.

How to intensify male orgasms?

With the innumerable benefits that intense male orgasms give, it is of no question why men shouldn't give the slightest importance to this bodily pleasure. When men improve on their orgasms, chances are they also improve on the orgasm of their partners. It is a life-altering experience for the both of them. It is no doubt that men would rather die than not to have orgasms during sex. Most men would also attest to the fact that it is multiple orgasm in sex that they want to achieve. 

Multiple orgasms are hard to achieve especially because of men's lack or failure to concentrate. They become very conscious about their bodies. Having focus during sex is yet another way to feel the intensity of the sensations involved during this activity. While it is true that the brain is the largest sexual organ as it has the power to change the way we think during sex, we can't just rely on that. And much as men want to be maniacs in bed all the time, this is just no mean feat. But why have multiple short orgasms when you can have one but long and powerful ones?

Intense male orgasms are no illusion as they can be achieved. There are a lot of sure-fire ways to do so and a lot of factors that can help men achieve them like the right position, a rhythmic pattern, the right lighting, or even satin sheets. But the best way of doing so is to start with your body. Men should know their bodies and their potentials during sex. They should know how all the aspects of the male reproductive system works and how it can be enhanced. 

The male reproductive system should be nourished and toned. There is a quite simple way: increase sperm volume. If you do so, you can achieve powerful, longer and more intense male orgasms. Orgasm is accompanied by releasing sperm from the penis. The more sperm you have, the more powerful your orgasm is. 

Increase sperm volume and achieve multiple orgasms

Perhaps, you may have heard about women gifted with the ability to achieve multiple orgasms. Yet what you aren't aware of probably is that men are as equally capable as women in having multiple orgasms. Most men fantasize about having Multiple Male Orgasms without realizing that they can actually make it real. Since men are always looking for a sizzling and mind-blowing action in bed, then multiple orgasm might be their best ticket to experiencing an extremely pleasurable sex. In fact, multiple male orgasms can be easily achieved with the help of special techniques and herbal penis enhancement supplements or drugs that can help you increase sperm volume.

Yet before discussing how to achieve multiple orgasms, it is important to know what the process is all about. Multiple orgasm refers to the succession of orgasms, which take place without totally losing arousal during intervals. As such, the ability to maintain arousal and erection even after the initial release of load is the first step towards achieving multiple male orgasms. It is also possible to climax without ejaculating. Needless to say, learning this complicated, yet fully satisfying technique requires extra time and effort.

Of course, applying all those tricks can be very difficult and even time-consuming. That's why there are plenty of sperm volume pills that instantly boost sexual drive and stamina and increase sperm volume so that men including their partners can experience a blasting and mind-blowing sexual encounter. Instead of going through all the troubles in order to achieve multiple male orgasms, why not try these wonder drugs. You can fins the most recommended pills in our Increase Sperm Volume review. Men who fantasize about multiple male orgasms can rely on the safety and efficiency of these pills. They have been the fruit of a long and extensive research conducted by health professionals. Moreover, they are made of special components such as amino acids and herbal concentrates made in China, South Africa, and Europe.

Link between sperm volume and penis size

Most people believe that men only focus on penis size and sperm volume. However, these factors are completely independent of each other. There are a number of organs that secrete substances which make up sperm, although they cannot even be seen by the naked eye without going under the knife. With any particular organ of the body, its size and its productivity does not necessarily go hand in hand. You could be secreting a lot of prostatic fluid and yet have a small prostate. Obviously, that would still increase sperm volume regardless how big or small your genitals are.

According to recent studies men are also veritably concerned how much sperm they were releasing, and how forcefully. Not only do they desire to expel heavy volumes to impress their sexual partners, but they also maintain a strong desire to be able to increase sperm volume. As a result, men of all ages and nationalities are asking an evolved penile query: how does one increase sperm volume? Perhaps big isn't necessarily enough for some. And it looks like it is not just all about performance anymore. "I'm huge and I was told that I was great in bed!" But are you actually delivering the goods?

If you're in your prime and are not ejaculating as much as you would expect, it is not the end of the world for you. Sperm volume have been said to be influenced by a lot of factors. And sure enough, there are countless ways in order to increase sperm volume. The simplest of which is the underestimated power of the mind. Do not hold back with your thoughts. Imagination and fantasies do more than just cause a stir in your creative mindset. Let all your inhibitions go and just live at the moment. Engage in as much foreplay as you can withstand. Some men would rather skip it all together but indulge in it a little, so why don't you? And this leads to the delay of gratification, which can be inexplicably mind-blowing. The trick is to stop and go. Right before ejaculation, stop whatever it is that you're doing. Let the erection go a little soft and then start again. Foreplay is not an exclusive activity at the beginning of every sexual act. It can surely be utilized many times in between. If you repeat these steps, you are bound to ejaculate a lot more. By teasing and increasing your desire, this could also manifest an increase in your "love juice." It won't hurt to try, and in fact, it can be quite delightful.

Get rid of the bad and start living a healthier life. The food that you eat, the substances you constantly bombard your body with, and the lifestyle you choose to lead have several diverse effects on your sex drive, eventually to increase ejaculation. For instance, abstain from nicotine and all products like it. And if you already are smoking, cut down on those sticks or quit altogether. Smoking is said to have direct negative effects on sperm volume and sex drive. Then there's over-indulging on junk food. A little wouldn't hurt but going over the top with unhealthy food can cause more than just zero sex. Nutrition plays a key role in any bodily function. After all, your total health is more important than anything else.

In addition to healthy lifestyle, medical science continues to come up with new solutions in order to help men increase sperm volume and enlarge penis. Today, there are some supplements a man can take. These drugs are proven to be safe and effective. More importantly, these drugs contribute to the improvement and maintenance of men's entire health condition.

Strong PC muscle for better sexual health

How Can I Make My Sperm Shoot Out?

This is one of the most common questions from males. We all want more sperm that squirts out across the room instead of those small sperm amounts that just trickle or dribble out. The good news is that you can improve the "shooting power" of your sperm with just a couple of minutes a day doing a simple exercise to strengthen your PC muscle.

What Is A PC Muscle?

If you ever started urinating and then squeezed to stop it in the middle of the process then you have already used your PC muscle.

Having strong PC muscles means having longer lasting, strong, and shooting ejaculations. Therefore, it is in your best interest to strengthen your PC muscle through constant exercises. PC muscle exercises can be done just about anywhere since the only person that will know you are doing them is yourself.

By rapidly squeezing and relaxing your PC muscles during intercourse not only heighten your sexual responsiveness, but can increase your female partner's stimulation. When a woman squeezes her PC muscle, many men say they feel like the vagina felt tighter. When a man squeezes his PC muscle, many women report feeling like they felt extra pressure on the top part of their vaginal walls(the most sensitive part), and some even claim that their g-spot gets stimulated.

PC Muscle Exercises

Here are some PC muscles exercises you can use to strengthen your PC muscle:

  • Squeeze your PC muscle and hold for the count of 5, repeat ten times.
  • Squeeze your PC muscle ten times fast, repeat 3 times.
  • Squeeze your PC muscle in intervals of long / short for a count of 10, repeat 3 times.
  • Squeeze your PC muscle and hold as long as you can. Work your way up to 2 minutes.

Sperm pills for sexual performance

There's pressure for men to be very good in sex. There's a notion that men play the active role in sex while women take only the passive part. Men who do not give a satisfying Sexual Performance are abandoned in the cold by their partners. It is an unspoken rule that men should be very good in Sexual Performance. Society expects a lot from men when it comes to sex. Since this is the scenario, men are enticed to try different sex pills that will maximize their penis power producing good results in sex and in sexual health. Men preferably like sex pills that will help them increase sperm volume to experience longer orgasms.

Men do not only want to have a good Sexual Performance, they also want to improve their sexual health since it is an essential part of one's well-being. Although, generally men use sex pills like Semenax to enjoy sex even better, it also gives them pleasure to know that their partner is very satisfied with the sexual act. Using sex pills do not only give men longer orgasms, big cum shots, reversed low sperm count, and increased potency and fertility, it gives men confidence in themselves that they are capable of making someone very happy.

Importance of sperm production for male sexual health

Basic sex and reproductive education has it that the testicles are the ones responsible for the production of sperm cells. The Prostate Gland and Seminal Vesicle produce the semen that comes out with it during ejaculation. Semen activates and protects the sperm as soon as it's out of the penis. Having established this basic premise, it is only logical to think that the amount and quality of sperm and semen these glands produce is dependent on how well they function or how healthy these glands are, unless of course other major factors play like terminal diseases and chronic illnesses. This would then lead to conventional wisdom that a healthy reproductive system (with all its parts well and working) is the fundamental element of a healthy sex life, of good orgasms and loaded ejaculations.

But one shouldn't end there. A man wanting to increase sperm volume must further explore his body and learn how to put it in harmony to help him achieve better ejaculation, more sperm that is. One way is to discover ways on how to improve the reproductive parts affecting and relating to sperm. The sperm volume is also affected by the contractions one experiences during orgasm. The harder the contraction, the more sperm is released. So if sperm production are both going normal, the intensity of contractions may be at fault for unsatisfactory ejaculation. If this is the case, then honing the strength of the reproductive parts related to contractions must be done. The pubococcygeus muscle, anal sphincter, rectum and perineum, ejaculatory ducts, and the muscles around the penis are the ones responsible for contractions during the orgasm. Enhancing these parts is a logical and practical approach in achieving more sperm.

So whether it be the frequency or the quality, the problem on how to increase sperm volume is not really a major problem anymore these days. Sexual liberation, medical, and technological innovations are very much in place for men's welfare and advantage. Know more, explore more, find out how to release more sperm

Although freedom of choice is important for every individual, there are some more things that should be sacrificed for the sake of a healthy and satisfying sex life. Not even the energy of youth can offset the toll that smoking and drinking are bound to take on sex. For better effects of quitting smoking and drinking you can enhance your sex life by taking volume pills.

Reproductive functions

Reproductive function is essential for every man. For some reason men are embarrassed to discuss the problem. They like to boast of different things, but as far as it refers to state of sexual health, you will never hear anything of the kind. This is understandable as this is not a point for open discussion in public, and privacy is needed in the matters like that, but still the contradiction is amazing.

It would be a trifle, but this thing is in the way of solving important matters. But what is even worse problem that it arises in the person's life and he is not able to enjoy life fully. Men look for the opportunity to get rid of it. Male enhancement pills are very popular among men for this reason. More and more men apply to this medication nowadays and describe their experience on multiple resources on the Internet. This preparation becomes a salvation for them. Not all men are ready to admit the problem in public and such kinds of people just suffered quietly before. Now there is a solution for all of them. Reproductive function should be restored and this is psychologically essential for every man.

Summary: why increase sperm production?

Why do some men need to increase sperm production? There are a lot of factors making them do it. For example some men connect it with nice expectations of increasing fertility and longer orgasms.

One should take certain measures if he wants to increase sperm production. Science has made nice innovations in male sexual energy improvement and potency. Volume of ejaculation can be changed. Scientific findings open numerous methods of coping with problems men face. Sitting on the fence isn't popular anymore.

Specialists and experts in men's health assert that it's possible to increase sperm production with the help of special supplements. Such supplements known as "volume pills" are the result of last decades researches, they have all the necessary certificates and that's why they are absolutely safe. Other methods also exist, but dietary supplements are really easy to start, and the effect is clear because they have been designed to fix this problem. Even some penis exercises generally can't be so effectively.

Today you may find many proposals at the well-being products market. The products formulas are created in such way that they supply the most effective realization of your dream to increase sperm production as well. You'll experience longer orgasms, increase sperm production, notice improvements in your sperm structure, better erection and overall sexual pleasure intensification. This progress is so evident and quick that you're going to be simply surprised.

Top 3 Reasons to Increase Sperm Volume

There are a lot of reasons why men may want to increase sperm volume. Some of them want to be like a porn stars, another guy will simply want to have a child and think that increasing sperm volume will help him and his wife to conceive a child. Why may YOU want to increase sperm volume? There are 3 main reasons why you may want to do so.

  1. Reason #1. Ego. The number one reason is mainly for ego. Most men think that more sperm volume proves to their partners that they are indeed manly and virile. They are like those super porn stars. This reason also includes the fact that the satisfaction in sexual experiences is related to the sperm volume. The more sperm, the greater number of pleasurable muscle contractions, the greater orgasm.
  2. Reason #2. Enhanced sexual gratification. This is applicable to those taking anti-depressants. Difficulty in achieving orgasm is a common side effect of such medications along with the decline in sex drive. Consequently, men under prescription anti-depressants are constantly searching for a safe and natural way of improving their desire for sex as well as enhance their orgasms.
  3. Reason #3. Fertility issues. Simply put, men want to increase sperm volume to help their partners to conceive.

During the past few years, the medical community had been committed to developing a safe and effective alternative treatment than the run-of-the-mill advice that has been handed down from one generation to the next. Several companies have sought to develop a safe, non-prescription herbal formula that is capable of boosting sperm volume and sperm production while enhancing sperm motility.

As a result, a few companies have developed an FDA approved enhancement formula that is proven to increase sperm volume and quality. They now sell these pills while other manufacturers try to copy the formula but actually want to grab your money. We have a list of proven products with no side effects, endorsed by real doctors and guaranteed to work. These pills are the union of modern and ancient medicine. They contain herbs and amino acids that for centuries have been used to increase libido, sexual stimulation and virility. These ingredients have been involved in conscientious medical trials and carry doctor recommendations.

Aside from increasing sperm volume, men could also enjoy other benefits of these pills such as longer orgasm, increased sexual desire, intensified orgasm, rock hard erections, powerful ejaculations and improved fertility. If you do not achieve the desire result, you'll surely get your money back. With this risk-free offer, no wonder these products had swiftly become leaders in this field.

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