Since the beginning of time, it seems humans have been fixated on the beauty and power of the penis. A symbol of manhood, strength, dominance and success, the penis and all its workings have prominently figured in the art and imagination of cultures worldwide.
Yet all the attention given to penis size, erection capability and lasting power are really pretty much an adjunct to the real moment of truth: the orgasm. After all, isn't that the real goal of all the penis-centered concern, to have bigger and more potent climaxes? That may explain why the spotlight has focused more recently on ejaculation.
Men are considering not only the intensity or strength of orgasms, but how their volume of ejaculate affects many aspects of their sexual identity and enjoyment.
How male climax works
To get a sense of the vital role of a healthy, abundant volume of ejaculate in male pleasure, let's take a look at how male climax works.
First, semen collects in the ejaculatory ducts during sexual stimulation. Male orgasm happens at the peak of sexual pleasure, when the various muscle groups contract simultaneously: rhythmic contractions of the pubococcygeus muscle (pc muscle) occur along with contractions of the anal sphincter, rectum and perineum, and the ejaculatory ducts and muscles around the penis. The contracting muscles are the key to delivering the load of semen.
The first few contractions are intense and close together, occurring at about 0.8-second intervals. As orgasm continues, the contractions diminish in intensity and duration and occur at less frequent intervals.
The exact amount of ejaculate is determined by a number of factors, including heredity, diet, overall health, frequency of sexual activity and age. The content, however, is about the same for all men: the ejaculate contains sperm and a long list of components that read like a vitamin pill label: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, choline, citric acid, creatine, fructose, glutathione, hyaluronidase, inositol, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, purine, pyrimidine, pyruvic acid, sodium, sorbitol, vitamin B12, and zinc. Each of these ingredients, though, represents just a tiny amount -- and the total measure of a typical "load" is somewhere between 1.5 ml and 5 ml.
The majority of the ejaculate volume is fluid from the prostate and the seminal vesicles. The taste of semen varies greatly from one man to another, again affected by diet and overall physical health. The range goes from salty to sweet, may be bitter or mellow, and sometimes creates a very mild "numbing" effect to the lips and tongue of the taster. The taste can be deliberately changed, according to a number of online and physician's sources.
Healthy ejaculate will appear either translucently whitish or grayish to opaque white. Men who've had a vasectomy will have lighter, more translucent semen, devoid of the typical 15 to 20 million sperm of a usual ejaculation. Though a variety of textures and appearances are within the healthy range, most people equate very white, dense and more voluminous ejaculate with a healthier and more potent male.
What is semen made of?
Semen is the fluid containing spermatozoa, which is secreted by the
sexual glands of males. It is discharged by the body through the process
known as ejaculation and used to fertilize the female ova.
human semen is composed mainly of seminal plasma, which is the fluid
secreted by the accessory male reproductive organs (the seminal vesicles
and the prostate gland). The bulbourethral organs glands also
contribute with a small amount of viscous mucus, which gives semen its
texture and cohesion.
The purpose of the seminal plasma is to
protect and feed the spermatozoa during their journey to the ova through
the female reproductive tract. The normal environment of the vagina is
too acidic for sperm cells, aside from the presence of local cells which
are part of the immune system and which view sperm cells as foreign
entities. This is why the sperm contains a series of basic amines
designed to counter the vagina acidity and to protect the DNA inside the
sperm cell from acidic destruction.
Finally, the mucus and
texturizing proteins serve to increase the mobility of sperm cells in
the vagina and cervix by creating a less viscous channel for the sperm
cells to swim through, and preventing their diffusion out of the semen.
Legends Behind Sperm
Although Christianity was traditionally against any public references to
sex, other religions and peoples had different views. The best examples
are Tantra and various pagan denominations. Among the lesser-known
systems are the beliefs of certain tribes from Papua New Guinea and
The basic idea behind such beliefs is that sperm is a
fluid with magic properties that can be used to augment the natural
powers of other people. Some pagan circles say that sperm contains the
power of the male, which can be transferred to female priestesses
through sex. Certain rituals include the copulation between a priestess
and two or more males in order to “harvest” their sperm and increase her
Tantra is an esoteric tradition rooted in the religions
of India, a body of beliefs and practices that differ somewhat from sect
to sect, although all the sects tend to adhere to the overarching
belief that the material universe is the concrete manifestation of
divine energy. Some Tantra rituals include sex, but the reputation of
this sexual religion seems absurd to most people in Europe and America.
as a magic fluid was also a key component in many occult theories and
practices in Europe and America. Occult figures like Aleister Crowley
and Samael Aun Weor spoke about the power of sex and its significance in
a magic context. Likewise, sperm was thought to be a source of power
and one of the fashions that set the occult world of fire last century
was that men should never ejaculate in order to activate and increase
their power.
Want to grasp ideas of ancient sex guides? The basic
idea is sperm volume, so we recommend volume enhancing pills. These
pills will not only help you increase sperm volume, but will also provide you with rock hard erections and prolonged orgasms. Use the link above to get more info.
Sperm Volume and Premature Ejaculation
There are many reasons why a man may experience premature ejaculation.
Biologically, men can reach climax much faster than women. They can do
so in 2–3 minutes after penetration, in comparison with women's 12–14
minutes. Likewise, there are also psychological factors that bring about
early ejaculation. These include lack of experience, anxiety, fear of
potential pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, etc. Older men are
also known to be able to control their ejaculation as compared with
their younger counterparts. They credit it to their experience.
So, how can you treat and prevent premature ejaculation? There are 2 different ways. You can either treat premature ejaculation or just take control - on the psychological level!
Treat premature ejaculation
One way is to exercise your PC (pubococcygeus) muscle, which is the primary "sexual muscle" that forms part of the pelvis. The PC muscle is largely involved with sexual functions such as ejaculation and orgasm. With regular exercise, this muscle can provide firmer and larger erections, powerful ejaculations and more intense climaxes.How to go about exercising your PC muscles? Try clenching and releasing your PC muscle in ten-second periods. Perform three sets of this. Take a breather. Now, try the clench-and-release technique for five seconds. Perform ten sets of this. This time, try tightening the muscle for 30 seconds and relaxing for 30 seconds. Perform three sets of this.
If this doesn't help, try the herbal medications. When you combine the medication with the PC muscles exercises, you begin to take control over ejaculation and learn how to control ejaculation.
Prevent premature ejaculation
You can also prevent premature ejaculation on the psychological level. Let's take a look at the causes. When the man can’t properly release sperm, he can be suffering from erectile problems (we have already discussed this before). This includes premature ejaculation. It can be sufficient to increase sperm volume - and you will know you have control over your ejaculation. When you simply increase sperm volume, you improve performance in bed, better erection and receive control over your ejaculation. That's it!
Sperm volume and testosterone levels
Testosterone is chief among the androgens' family of hormones and by far
the best known of the entire family. The androgens are responsible with
the development of masculine characteristics in all vertebrates by
binding to androgen receptors. They are in charge of the activity of
male sex organs and the emergence and development of secondary sex
characteristics, such as the deep voice, the body and facial hair, the
broad shoulders and chest, the heavier bone structure, the greater
muscle mass and the coarse skin. Testosterone is primarily secreted in
the testes and secondarily by the adrenal glands.
The functions
of this hormone are so closely linked to the well-being of men, that a
dip in the level of testosterone produced by the body is enough to bring
about massive changes in an individual. The effect of testosterone
deficiency can be readily observed in older males because the levels of
hormone in the body decline gradually with age. While low testosterone
levels is a temporary phenomenon that can be reversed by using a wide
range of drugs containing the hormone like HGH,
testosterone deficiency means either a drop in the levels of secreted
testosterone or a glitch in the absorption system. Both of these are bad
news for males.
Since testosterone is responsible for those
physical and psychological traits that make males what they are, a
deficiency in production or absorption can trigger a significant change
in these traits. Men going through andropause are usually prone to gaining weight, depression and anxiety, bladder and erectile dysfunctions,
fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms. This is why we recommend
frequent checks of testosterone levels for males above the age of 35. If
you are experiencing a temporary dip in testosterone levels, you may
want to try the penis pills, oils that help you get an erection, or pills that work to increase sperm volume.
These products are rich in zinc, one of the key substances used by the
male reproduction system, and other natural ingredients designed to
stimulate the production of testosterone without endangering the rest of
the body.
Sperm and virility
A man's poor erection performance has many causes. The main cluster of
its causes are the physiological and the psychological. The
physiological group are the ones related to body functions and
dysfunctions affecting the capability and power to have an erection.
This is the area of concern that virility pills aim to address. The
psychological on the other hand are the ones related to the emotional
and mental well-being.
Most cases are attributed to physiological
causes. Many cases of erection problems are effects of diseases common
to men, and diabetes tops the list. Recorded medical data claimed that
50 to 60 percent of men afflicted with diabetes suffer from erectile
problems. The obvious effect of diabetes is the loss of vibratory
sensations in the lower half of the body. The damaged inner walls of the
blood vessels caused by diabetes results in hormonal deficiency and
inadequate blood supply which is a requisite in having a good and
rock-hard erection.
An unhealthy lifestyle also prevents achieving a full-blown erection.Marital and relationship problems are a common psychological cause of failure to attain erection. Family problems relating to finances, security, and future can be very stressful and prevent the mind and the body to respond accordingly to sexual stimuli. Stress from work, career, or profession is also a psychological root of erection problems. These causes do not always require medical treatments or sex drive supplements like virility pills. A therapy from a psychologist, spiritual adviser, or meditation expert and supplements can help ease the effects of these factors.
Penile implants and injection therapy are the first generation of medical treatment known to have significant wins against health issues of men.
Further studies had led to an improved humanity fight against erectile dysfunction by making it easier, more effective, and time efficient. Probably the most popular of the oral medication there is today is the Viagra. More than its promised benefits, Viagra gained more popularity because of the controversies surrounding it. Viagra is a medical drug, not a virility pills, that is found to have side effects to men afflicted with heart problems and low blood pressure. Flushing, stuffy nose, headache, and indigestion are some of the basic unfavorable effects of Viagra. Usage and intake of Viagra must be under doctor's monitoring. That is why we can recommend only virility pills - those small tablets that increase sperm volume and can make your sex life wonderful!
Sperm and fertility
One of the biggest controversies gripping today's medical world is the
subject of andropause. Doctors are taking sides with one school of
thought or another and furiously debate at conventions and in papers if
this male version of the menopause exists, what symptoms should be taken
into account during the diagnosis process and what treatments are
effective. There is no consensus at the moment and the search still goes
on for an explanation that fits all the facts.
determinants of "aging" and of "life expectancy" extend from genetic and
molecular determinants to the increasingly powerful forces of
environmental, economical, technological and cultural globalization." (Professor Bruno Lunenfeld, Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Since the 1940s, the term andropause has been used to describe a condition that was considered to be similar to the female menopause.
The blame for triggering this condition was laid on falling levels of
the testosterone hormone from around the age of 45 onwards. Andropause
was also considered to be the source of many problems faced by men past
their prime, such as weight gain, heart disorders, mood swings, depression and plummeting libido.
"Our results show that testosterone has a key role in the central and peripheral modulation of erectile function..." (Doctor Andrea Garolla, University of Padua, Italy)
the condition is highly debated, with doctors doubting it even exists.
The main hurdle in agreeing upon a definition of andropause is the fact
that there is no clear physical symptom that could be used to diagnose
the condition. While the end of menstruation is the classic tell-tale
for menopause, men display no such universal symptom that could clue
doctors to what's going on. That's why the medical world is still
polarized between the two camps that argue back and forth over this
Still, the medical controversy has not stopped men from
looking for a way to stop or reverse the hormonal changes brought by
andropause. Nathan Church, Product Manager who promotes semen enhancement product, says: "Although,
I am not a medical doctor, I know that increasingly men have bought our
products as a result of a series of problems. These problems include
loss of libido and reduced ability of on demand erections. I can only
speak from my experience with our customers that their symptoms do point
to a condition described as Andropause."
As we can see from
this quote, men are not going to sit idle until experts agree that there
is a problem. The natural products market has a wide range of products
aimed at bringing back some of the youthful feeling to aging men,
helping them to increase sperm volume and improve sex life. While taking
the problem into one's hands involves a certain amount of risk, it
seems that many men are perfectly ready to take that risk, especially
since the prize is the spark of life.
Sperm volume and sex power
One of the main points in my previous reviews was the male fertility. How to increase sperm volume and have enough fertility to conceive a child? However, this is not the main reason to increase sperm volume. There is another one, for some men this is actually #1. Male sex power. Bigger cumshots. Being sex porn star.
history, sex had been portrayed in a very bad light. Much more, talking
about sex was considered taboo. Though given the chance to have sex
with their spouse, our ancestors lived all the days of their lives with
their lips sealed about their own sexual experiences. Basically,
everybody was doing it, it's just that nobody wanted to talk about it.
This ancient condemnation of sex lead to thousands of myths about things
surrounding sex. Most of these myths are one way or another related to
men's sexual endurance. For centuries, the penis had been the greatest
symbol of power. The bigger the penis, the more powerful the man is when
it comes to sexual activities. This spawned other sexual fascination,
specifically with bigger cumshots. Sperm is known to be the other half
of life. A sperm cell fertilizing an egg cell signals the start of
procreation, which is said to be the chief purpose of sex. Both the
quality and sperm volume are the determining factors of a man's ability
to sire a child. The machismo culture dictates that even the number of a
man's offspring is one yardstick of masculinity. Deductively, bigger
cumshots tantamount to sexual power.
You may wonder how our
enchantment with cum came into being. It has been known for centuries
that sperm is indeed the man's seed for procreation. But in the latter
half of the 20th century, we were all enticed by the magic of cum with
the birth of the adult film industry. Pornographic films featured sexual
acts which ended in an unconventional manner. The actor will sign his
climax by ejaculating around the vaginal area, the behind, the torso, or
in the face of his partner, as to the usual squirting inside the
vagina. When the male reaches his climax, this marks the end of a porn
scene. This provided more realism in porn movies. We see that the sexual
act was real because of the actual sperm, and not just acted out like
what is done in Hollywood. Fans of porn movies watched as the white and
sticky biological get toyed by the actors in the end of a scene. The bigger cumshots
that the man can produce, the more exciting the film would be,
especially for those who have a fetish with sperm. This niche in
pornography reinforced man's age-old fantasy of releasing more sperm
volume, whether in the name of virility in procreation or for enhanced
sexual entertainment. The bigger cumshots were found to have been
successfully achieved by the pharmaceutical companies. Innovation of
these sperm health medicines helped a lot of men to increase sperm volume.
Problems with sperm
Ejaculation is the natural culmination of a sexual act on a man's side,
be it intercourse or masturbation. It's the vehicle of pleasure that all
of us men are looking for in sex, the ultimate goal of all courtship
rituals and the imperative command of our instincts. There are many ways
to achieve ejaculation, ways that we have learned from necessity and
out of curiosity.
However, not everything is as good as it looks.
Sexual dysfunctions are more and more common in today's world. There
may be some truth to the statement that the rising number of
psychological and physical dysfunctions are the price we're paying for
the lifestyles of urban sprawls and for the ongoing pollution of our
planet. But regardless of how we got here, let's discuss a certain
sexual dysfunction called "delayed ejaculation". The term refers to the
inhibition of ejaculation, which is the unfortunate situation when a man
cannot ejaculate for some reason or other.
The most common form
of delayed ejaculation makes the man unable to ejaculate in the presence
of the partner. If the man can ejaculate well enough alone, using self
stimulation, then it stands to reason that the causes for this
dysfunction are purely psychological. Most men suffering from this kind
of hang-up either have deep religious backgrounds and have been taught
that sex is sin or simply are not attracted enough to their partners.
There are also cases when traumatic events have led to this dysfunction.
Men who found out that their partners were having affairs or who have
been caught themselves during illicit sex or masturbation may feel too
traumatized to achieve ejaculation.
Other men, however, cannot
achieve ejaculation while masturbating, despite the fact that they have
normal sex lives with their partners. Some of the causes mentioned above
also apply in this case, especially being caught masturbating or being
hampered by a religious background. Most religions consider masturbation
to be sinful and wasting and teach their members that such practice is
to be avoided. Some go to great lengths to discourage masturbation and
other forms of sex.
In such cases willpower is not enough to
force the body to feel something that isn't there and it's not a good
idea to force yourself anyway. It might work once or twice, but that's
about as far as this approach will take you. It's far better to seek
professional help than to suffer in silence. Therapists can suggest a
way out of the problem by discussing the situation at length with both
The basic idea of the treatment is to teach the two
partners about sexual stimulation and response in order to help them
understand their own needs. Instead of using willpower to force the
mind, the partners should focus on their ability to create an intimate
setting that would provide ideal stimulation and so solve the problem.
can certainly use this approach on their own, although the risk of
failure is significant. There are little tricks everybody can use to
bring sex closer to an ideal situation. Relaxation always helps, which
means that candle-lit rooms, romantic dinners, a bit of alcohol and
perhaps some porn could prove very helpful, if both partners agree on
this approach. Avoid delicate issues in conversation and focus on having
fun in a relaxed way. Hug and caress instead of rushing to the sex part
and be sure to take your time.
Why increase sperm volume?
For most adult men sex life turns into routine around the age of 30-35.
Later on, the routine becomes worse and harder to handle. Work is at
least somewhat boring or even stupid. The bar scene is also boring and
one can hardly remember the last fun date. Drinking with the friends
turns into a routine as well, despite the fact that all those involved
would be glad to hide this fact from themselves and from each other.
Sex is also no longer as exciting as before,
and, worst of all, a change of partners won’t help this time because
the problem lies with you. Long hours spent at work sitting in the same
chair, lack of physical activity and a chaotic daily diet are taking
their toll on your sex life. Your penis is no longer as quick to respond
to the call to arms and the orgasm is not as lively anymore. The
natural response in such cases is to wonder if this is just a passing
time frame or something worse. Fortunately, most men going through this
situation are in for nothing more than a temporary discomfort that
should go away with a combination of relaxation to relieve stress and of
working out to stimulate testosterone production.
But there is
something else you can do to make this problem go away. Something that
many men have tried before you and which helped them enjoy sex a lot
more. Wouldn’t you feel good to know that your erection and orgasms last
longer and that you can ejaculate more semen than ever before? This is
why you need sperm enhancement pills, the high quality, perfectly natural pills which can help you come like a porn star.
You may say that ejaculating more sperm is not that important, but think about it for a minute. The intensity and duration of your orgasm depends on how much sperm you ejaculate,
which means that the more sperm travels upward from the testicles, the
longer will your orgasm be. These pills work by stimulating the
production of various substances in your body in order to accomplish
certain ends. The natural production of testosterone is boosted with the
help of Zinc and Dong Chong Xia Cao, which results in an increase of
both the quantity and quality of sperm. Other substances help regulate
the blood flow whose healthy functioning is so important for longer and harder erections.
So, what can they do for you? They really increase sperm volume - and this really improves your performance and sex life.
They can put a satisfied smile back on your face. Next, they can help
you become a better lover who pleases his lady every time and makes her
come back for more. They can help you get more pleasure out of your sex
life. And, lastly, they promote the psychological well-being that comes
with a happy and fulfilling relationship.
More intense orgasms
Orgasm for some is the most intense physical feeling one can ever
experience from sex. But for others who suffer or have trouble reaching
orgasm, it's a hard and bumpy trail. Orgasm is experienced by both men
and women, but the exact same response may be contingent on the degree
or intensity of the sex. So individuals, especially the men, look for
ways by which they can improve on their performance. Intense male
orgasms can be achieved. One of the ways is to increase sperm volume.
Ejaculation is the process of discharging sperm from the penis usually
accompanied by orgasm. According to healthcare studies, men who suffer
from poor or short orgasms are those who can't release great volume of
sperm each time they have sex with their partners. The reason behind it
is that when you produce low sperm, your sexual organ cannot contract
harder and longer than it should and this produces less intense male
orgasms or non at all.
Orgasms are beneficial not only to the
sexual lives of men and women but to their health as well. Sexual
arousal and orgasm improves our breathing and circulation. It also
improves our cardiovascular functions, tones our muscles, and gives a
healthy glow to our skin. This is why increasing sperm volume is so
beneficial to both your body and mental health. So do not hesitate
anymore and learn how to increase sperm volume right now.