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Showing posts from May, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Sperm Volume Pills: Boosting Your Reproductive Health with Effective Ingredients

Semen is actually made up of ninety percent (90%) seminal fluids including fructose (sugar) and proteins; sperm accounts for only about one percent (1%) of its total volume and the rest is made up of trace minerals and nutrients. The sperm volume depends upon a number of concerns, including age, heredity, and general health. We cannot affect our age and genetics, but we could instead make adjustments in our diets. There are various supplements that you can take like zinc oxide, Horny Goat Weed, L-Arginine, L-Lysine which are supposed to boost sperm volume. By simply increasing your fluid intake, you can increase production of sperm . When your body is well hydrated, your body systems are able to work more efficiently and have less trouble getting water from the bloodstream. The most important to remember, though, is to keep yourself healthy and fit . Regular exercise encourages good blood circulation, which in turn, aids ejaculation. Also, refrain from wearing tight clothi...